Project Description
United States
Ian Picco
Topeca Coffee Roasters
Please tell us a little about yourself:
I work as Director of Coffee for Topeca Coffee Roasters in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I’ve been in coffee since 2004, starting my journey as a barista. I am an SCA Authorized Trainer and teach at the Professional level in Roasting and Sensory Skills. Outside of work, I consider myself to be a culinary enthusiast continually learning new techniques in food and beverage, exploring new flavors, and discovering humanity through cuisine.
How long have you been roasting for?:
9 years
What roaster do you currently roast on?:
Joper BPR25, Diedrich IR12, Proaster THCR1.5, Mill City 500g, San Franciscan SF1
What is your coffee of choice:
Washed Sulawesi Typica
How did you learn to roast? Did you have a coach or trainer:
On the job training, SCAA education, and sharing knowledge and theory with fellow roasters.
Who is your roasting hero?:
My good friend Joe Marrocco. He’s been a continual inspiration since we first met at Roasters Guild Retreat some 8 years ago.
What’s your favorite weather to roast in?:
Rainy day, for sure.
What music do you listen to when roasting?:
Vintage African Highlife
What is your secret weapon when roasting?:
Uh…I don’t know. I just roast, monitor my temperate curves and make adjustments to achieve my intended outcome. There’s really no mystery to the act of roasting.
What is your BEST roasting memory?:
The first SCAA Roaster Level 1 course I instructor in our campus, Topeca Instruments Division. That was such a great group of students, and we all learned so much that week.
What is your WORST roasting memory?:
Any time I’ve accidentally left the drum door open and mixed green coffee into the roasted in the cooling bin.