Project Description

Ming Hsuan Hua
Reba Coffee

Please tell us a little bit about yourself:

I started to work in a bank and later changed to the coffee industry. I currently operate a coffee shop in Tainan and I also have an e-commerce bean business.

How did you get started in coffee?

When I was in high school I started brewing and roasting coffee beans. So far, it’s been 20 years.

Please list the coffee competitions you have participated in, what year they took place, and your results:

2014 Taiwan International Specialty Coffee Association Excellent Roaster

2015 Toper Roast Master Champion

2017 Taiwan Coffee Roasting Champion

What roaster do you currently roast on?

Woots 3.0

How did you learn how to roast coffee?

I am learning to roast coffee myself, and I also discuss with my friends.

What are your interests outside of coffee?

WingChun martial arts. I studied wingchun kung fu for eight years.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

I hope to be able to build an international coffee brand and coffee training center.

Is there anyone you would like to thank or recognise, or who helped you to prepare for the WCRC?

I would like to thank my family, my mother, my sisters, and my wife, thank them for their inclusiveness and help me to finish the competition.

What are you excited to do while you are in Guangzhou?

I will visit IP MAN memorial in Foshan.

Facebook: cafeleader.cafeleader

Instagram: rebacafe